Saturday, September 02, 2006

cleaning up

Today I woke at 11:30, took a shower and than surfed the web for a bit.
Around 1 I realized that I had promised myself to clean the kitchen that former residents had left a bit unsettled.
What I thought were dishes left to dry in a kitchen sink, were actually dishes never cleaned for I don't know how long. About 2/3 of those dishes got thrown because they were too gross to even bother with.
There are only three people living on my floor, Jin from Korea, and a guy from the UK who apparently is never in. We have 12 rooms to fill on my floor alone, with kitchen cabinets for each room. About 6 of those cabinets were filled. All of the little baskets in the freezer were filled, and there were questionable left-overs in the fridge. I discovered rather old frozen meats, condiments with an expiration dating to 2004, and three rice-cookers (not including the one Jin is using from Japan).

I also found an ingredient that will render all your dishes "suprisingly delicious":


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