Saturday, December 30, 2006


i spent a small week at dave and jeans and hung out with lucy for christmas, and it was amazing. a limited number of photos from the actual week, but plenty from the christmas celebration. Dave cooked an amazing meal complete with dessert. Company was great, and we were laughing almost the whole time. It was delicious, and incredibly filling for the spirit. pictures aplenty. The first day Lucy and i went ice skating. No cameras allowed on the ice, so i got a shot of the skates before we went out and dodged small children dive bombing the ice. "The coldest day of the year and [we] went ice skating." Nancy booked the flight for christmas eve, and was able to stay the whole day and leave the day after. The day i went to amsterdam.
we unwrap presents. it was fun.
dinner was quite tasty. we just dug in after popping our "poppers" and wearing the crowns that go with.

Nan and lucy cuddle for camera posing.
now its Lucy and Jean's turn to do a bit of cuddlingfor the camera.
my dinner. DELICIOUS!!! carrots, mashed orange veggies, potatoes, stuffing, and those white root things. so yummy


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