Thursday, October 11, 2007

The other Wedding

The Summer Began. Of course after a few tests here and there...

A big hubbub to be sure. everyone flew over the big blue and a whole continent to freeze their bums off, have their biological clocks turned topsy turvy, and to dress in fancy outfits all in the name of ancestors, family, and a beautiful wedding. It was worth it, I'm sure to believe, I only flew about an hour. I got to see family that I hadn't seen not only since March when i visited last, but of course longer. Those of the family who literally crawl out of the woodworks for the big events. Ireland is beautiful, and I was so glad to visit again, hang out with the Rooneys and spend time with the two loudest girls in the family (Nancy and Peggy). The other girls come in close, but they definitely take the lead.

It was beautiful wedding as well as an amazing experience. And simply getting to see all the sights with family was something else.
beautiful girls

a little dance, a little socialising

Bobs x2, and The NEXT Richerson Generation (feel free to be afraid)

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